Game and app development services
Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux), Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), Windows Phone,
Windows 10, XNA (Xbox 360 и Windows Phone 7), Flash, HTML5, PSM, OUYA
We will evaluate your project for free within 24 hours
We work in the most innovative areas of game industry
From $2,500/month
only + 25% for the additional platform
We provide full-development cycle: from creating a concept to release on trading platforms
A team of fully-committed professionals with many years of experience in making successful world-class games will work on your project.
Game design
Concept development: mechanics, story, setting, documentation
Cross-platform game development: front and back ends
Game art
Any graphic style, design, content, interface, animations
Sound engineering
Sound scheme development, music, and voice acting
casual games
Free 2 Play
in-app purchases
blockchain NFT games
mobile games
hardcore and midcore games
board games
Multiplayer game development (online multiplayer), blockchain NFT, browser games (HTML5), facebook games and apps, Steam SDK. We provide complex services including 2D and 3D turn-key games on tablets, smartphones, iPhones, iPads, Android devices, Desktop and Web. Also: gamification, advertisment and marketing games, game development consulting and solutions.
GD Forge is a team of professionals
The projects for finch-vr.com were displayed at the 2017 CES
Own indie game development subdivision: fairgames.studio
3D and 2D game development
3D / 2D / Marketing, business, education
Customers and partners

All products, logos, trademarks, and names are protected by copyright and belong to their owners and are cited on this resource only as a portfolio of projects, which our studio was co-creating, the list of partners and customers, who our studio cooperated with, or as a demonstration of professional expertise in dealing with various technologies, which were used during the work on the projects in our studio. In the case of withdrawal from public access and/or upon the copyright holder’s request, graphic elements will be replaced with equivalent text records
Services and Pricing
Game development
Turnkey games
from $2,500
any deadlines
- Any genre and platform
- 2D and 3D (+VR and AR)
- Warranty
3D, 2D, sound, music
from $15/hour
any amounts of work
- 3D modelling
- Digital art, CG
- Design and video
Native and cross-platform
from $2,500
any deadlines
- Mobile
- Desktop
- Web
Web development
CMS driven, turnkey
from $1,000
rapid development
- Landing pages
- Communities/Forums
- Portals